Talking Camila Vallejo Warning – Restricted Education Leads To Modern-Day Slavery


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Talking Camila Vallejo Warning – Restricted Education Leads To Modern-Day Slavery‘ released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio Single and DVD, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song in support of the marathon-protest of ten thousands of students in Chile for free education and the young future of the country. Education in Chile as well as in all parts of the world has become a target for shameless profit-making as has the hunt after land, water, food and energy resources – a hunt that creates future fear, poverty, slavery and a free world only for the rich.

Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Camila Vallejo Warning – Restricted Education Leads To Modern-Day Slavery’:
“In Chile the students are fighting for their future. A marathon-protest of ten thousands is taking to the streets. It’s a protest against expensive private universities, expensive private schools and against thousands of dollars which the students have to pay for five years of study and fifty years of debt-payment.
Education in Chile as well as in all parts of the world has become a target for shameless profit-making as has the hunt after land, water, food and energy resources – a hunt that creates future fear, poverty, slavery and a free world only for the rich.
Modern-day slavery comes through restricted education wanting to keep the intelligent poor out of power. The modern-day slave of the rich is the undereducated, underpayed or not at all payed worker.
The world knows Chile’s Camila Vallejo for taking a stand for free education and for the young future of the country. Camila Vallejo is Warning hard-line politos that violence is rising if they show no mercy, no understanding.
In my song ‘Talking Camila Vallejo Warning – Restricted Education Leads To Modern-Day Slavery’ I say that intelligence and love are God’s freedom gifts for all humanity. That’s why education must be free everywhere for humanity to unfold.”

Unfair systems of education are there all over the earth. / They are driven by the old and the dangerous. / And the young are there too all over the earth – / most of them need free education. / I‘m a-talking Camila Vallejo Warning. / Yes, I am talking Camila Vallejo Warning.
In Chile the students are fighting for their future. / A marathon-protest of ten thousands is takin‘ to the streets. / There are expensive private universities, expensive private schools. / Thousands of dollars you have to pay: The dollars you don‘t have! / I‘m a-talking Camila Vallejo Warning. / Yes, I am talking Camila Vallejo Warning.
Camila Vallejo takes a stand for the students. / The world knows her and she‘s talking warning. / Five years of study and fifty years of debt-payment / means future fear, poverty, slavery and a free world only for the rich. / I‘m a-talking Camila Vallejo Warning. / Yes, I am talking Camila Vallejo Warning.
Modern-day slavery comes through restricted education. / The modern-day slave is the undereducated, underpayed or not at all payed worker. / The rich want cheap working hands and costly education, controlled by them, / for the rich help the rich, want to keep the intelligent poor out of power. / I‘m a-talking Camila Vallejo Warning. / Yes, I am talking Camila Vallejo Warning.
Camila Vallejo is warning hard-line politos / that violence is rising if they show no mercy, / no understanding. / I say, intelligence and love are God‘s freedom gifts / for all humanity. / That‘s why education must be free everywhere / for humanity to unfold. / I‘m a-talking Camila Vallejo Warning. / Yes, I am talking Camila Vallejo Warning.
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany