DVD: Visit of Abuela Nah Kin, The Spiritual Leader Of the Maya Solar Tradition, To Mirapuri – The City Of Peace And Futureman In Europe, Italy on 21st July 2015

Visit of Abuela Nah Kin, The Spiritual Leader Of the Maya Solar Tradition, To Mirapuri - The City Of Peace And Futureman In Europe, Italy on 21st July 2015


Abuela Nah Kin (Mother of the Sun) is the spiritual leader of the Maya Solar Tradition. With the assistance of her husband, Master Alberto Arribalzaga and her friends and disciples, Abuela Nah Kin performed the Mayan Eagle Energy Ceremony “11 Men (eagle)” in front of the Miravinci, the meditation centre of Mirapuri. The purpose of the “11 Men (eagle)” Maya Ceremony is to bring the Divine Love to earth to help to overcome mental limitations and to evolve humanity into beings of light. Abuela Nah Kin offered to celebrate together with the people of Mirapuri and Michel Montecrossa, the founder of Mirapuri, the Mayan Eagle Energy Ceremony “11 Men” and wanted to ask them that they for one year are the guardians of the Eagle Energy of Divine Love for the New Age of the Bright Earth.
The documentary movie about this important spiritual and educational event was produced by Michel Montecrossa & Mirakali together with Filmaur Multimedia Germany.

Michel Montecrossa says about the meeting of Mirapuri and the Maya Solar Tradition:
“We live on a planet that experiences a rapid growth of the human population and with it the growth of conflicts, wars, disharmony, poverty, climate change and loss of natural resources. But at the same time humanity feels the urgent need for the growth of consciousness into a higher state of civilization which can bring World Unity in diversity through a working together of all nations as the United States of Planet Earth.
For this growth of consciousness into the living celebration of humanity always more individuals and groups take a stand all over the world, want to get to know each other, want to share their love and experiences, want to work together and want to contribute whatever they can give for the building of a better tomorrow of love, peace and happiness on a Bright Earth.
In this spirit of Human Unity the people of ­Mirapuri, the City of Peace And Futureman in Europe, Italy and the people of the Maya Solar Tradition met on 21st July 2015 to join their powers of goodwill and progress during a ceremonial gathering at the Miravinci, the meditation center of Mirapuri.
I thank Abuela Nah Kin, the spiritual leader of the Maya Solar Tradition, for her warm-hearted celebration of the Maya Eagle Ceremony which wants to strengthen the Divine Love on earth for overcoming disharmony and mental limitations. May it be one more step towards a new era of unlimited consciousness growth and progress into a world of truth, beauty, love and freedom.”

The complete Movie of the historic and deeply touching coming together of Mirapuri and the Maya Solar Tradition has a running time of 33 Minutes.
It features the uplifting Eagle Ceremony performed by Abuela Nah Kin, enlightening messages and helpful practical instructions for consciousness growth.
The spoken soundtrack is in Spanish, German and English with English subtitles.