‘Talking World War & The Nato Gang‘ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song-Movement Audio Single and DVD, released by Mira Sound Germany, apropos Romney, Obama, Netanyahu, Assad and the entire World War circus. The people of the world again shall be fooled into wars for boosting war business. The politos again serve the bankas and don’t care for the millions who will bleed. One day there will be the time for young people who will be true leaders at the service of humanity, bringing the United States of Planet Earth, bringing the change from war industry to space age industry and bringing thus the change from monumental destruction to peace, progress and prosperity for all of us.
Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking World War & The Nato Gang’:
“I wrote the song ‘Talking World War & The Nato Gang’ during the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2012 in Mirapuri apropos Romney, Obama, Netanyahu, Assad and the entire World War circus. At that time the dangerously rich warmongers and arms traders once more were on the way with their traveling circus of lies, barking silly propaganda for starting World War after summer holidays and U.S. election. Don’t be blind: Syria, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan is big war business! The people of the world again shall be fooled into wars for boosting war business. The politos again serve the bankas and don’t care for the millions who will bleed. One day there will come the time for young people who will be true leaders at the service of humanity, bringing the United States of Planet Earth, bringing the change from war industry to space age industry and bringing thus the change from monumental destruction to peace, progress and prosperity for all of us.”
Someone on the street gave me something to think when she said: / “Iraq war first, Afghanistan next and then / Syria and Iran for the big World War bang. / It’s time for talking World War and the Nato gang. / It’s time for us all to wake up and to take a stand.”
The direction has the logic of the very few, / it’s not the logic of humanity, not the logic of us all. / Division must be ended, humanity needs the peace / for growing with its children into the happy and free.
Wars are big business, that’s why they don’t end. / Banka greed and politos weak are their best friends. / It’s the working hand alone that has the mighty strength / to put them in their place and bring trouble to an end.
Someone on the street gave me something to think when she said: / “Iraq war first, Afghanistan next and then / Syria and Iran for the big World War bang. / It’s time for talking World War and the Nato gang.”
The direction has the logic of the very few, / it’s not the logic of humanity, not the logic of the cool. / Division must be ended, humanity needs the peace / for growing with its children into the happy and free.
Wars are big business, that’s why they don’t end. / Banka greed and politos weak are their best friends. / It’s the working hand alone that has the mighty strength / to put them in their place and bring trouble to an end.
Someone on the street gave me something to think when she said: / “Iraq war first, Afghanistan next and then / Syria and Iran for the big World War bang. / It’s time for us all to wake up and to take a stand.”
Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa © Mira Sound Germany