Talking: Bernie Is O.K. For The U.S.A. (Apropos Bernie Sanders)

Talking: Bernie Is O.K. For The U.S.A.

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Includes 19% MwSt.
Delivery Time: approx. 2-3 workdays

‘TALKING: BERNIE IS O.K. FOR THE U.S.A.’, released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song apropos Bernie Sanders who shows that he can be a hopeful aspirant for becoming the President of the United States of America. He wins voters by proclaiming: ‘The people want real change’, ‘It is not fair when the 20 wealthiest people in this country now won more wealth than the bottom half of the American people’, ‘So you guys ready for radical idea? Together we are going to create an economy that works for all of us, not just the one percent’, ‘Yep, we’re going to raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour’, ‘We are going to bring pay equity for women’, ‘We are going to make public colleges and universities tuition free’, ‘We are going to impose a tax on Wall Street speculation. The greed, the recklessness, and the illegal behavior of Wall Street drove our economy to its knees. The American people bailed out Wall Street, now it’s Wall Street’s time to help the middle class’. He also wants ‘to fight to end institutional racism and a broken justice system’ and takes a stand for sustainable energy. Bernie Sanders sees that ‘what voters here in New Hampshire confirmed tonight, is nothing short of the beginning of a political revolution’. That’s why Michel Montecrossa sings ‘BERNIE IS O.K. FOR THE U.S.A.’ and expresses the hope that Bernie might be the first to say: ‘Human Unity is the goal’ and that he might be the statesmen that dares to work for the coming of the United States of Planet Earth’.

Michel Montecrossa says about his New-Topical-Song ‘Talking: Bernie Is O.K For The U.S.A.’:
“With my New-Topical-Song ‘TALKING: BERNIE IS O.K. FOR THE U.S.A.’ I say: ‘Presidents come, Presidents go. I’m still waiting for the one who stands for action to make real the United States of Planet Earth for a United World of Human Unity and the Living Celebration of Humanity.’”

“Talking: Bernie Is O.K. For The U.S.A.” Talking: Bernie Is O.K. For The U.S.A. Michel Montecrossa
Audio Player


Bernie is O.K. for the U.S.A.,
says the good things about fair wages
and the end of economic downturns.
Bernie is O.K. for the U.S.A.
Bernie is O.K. for the U.S.A.

He doesn’t want huge tax breaks for billionaires
or huge cuts to social security,
veterans needs, Medicare, Medicaid and education.
Bernie is O.K. for the U.S.A.
Bernie is O.K. for the U.S.A.

Time runs out for polito corruptos
and dirty banka gangsta Wall Street games.
They are not what the people need.
The people need fairness and good bucks indeed.
The people need fairness and good bucks indeed.

“Bernie is O.K. for the U.S.A.,
Bernie is O.K., that’s what I say.”

Education must be free. The rich must pay.
Jobs and education for every one is great
and cooperation to change the climate change
with all countries of the earth.
Bernie is O.K. not only for the U.S.A.

And to make it complete I say to Bernie:
„Be the first to say: ‘Human unity is the goal’.
Be the statesman that dares to work for the coming
of the United States of Planet Earth,
of the United States of Planet Earth.“

“Be the statesman who knows power-sharing to be
the way to the united world
overcoming pain and terror, war and ugly things.
Bernie, be O.K.!
Be here for that on earth!
Bernie is O.K. not only for the U.S.A.!”

Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany