Liebe, Frieden und Glücklichsein Concert

Liebe, Frieden und Glücklichsein Concert

19,98 24,00 

Includes 19% MwSt.
Delivery Time: no delivery time (e.g. download)
Includes 19% MwSt.
Delivery Time: approx. 2-3 workdays

‘Liebe, Frieden und Glücklichsein’ Concert released by Mira Sound Germany on Audio-CD, DVD and as Download, is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical, Cyberschlager, Cyberrock and Dance-Electronica Concert celebrating Michel Montecrossa’s new bilingual English-German songs about all the best things for body and soul.
Recorded live in the Michel Montecrossa Rock Vision Diner on 18th April 2015, it presents 28 English and German good-mood songs by Michel Montecrossa, Mirakali and Diana Antara including the title-song ‘Love, Peace & Happiness – Liebe, Frieden Und Glücklichsein’ and more invitations to happiness like ‘Cosmic World Dance’, ‘Ich Bin Der Typ – I’m The One’, ‘With You In My Heart’, ‘Schmusen & Lachen – Huggin’ & Kissin’’, ‘All My Love Belongs To You Forever’, ‘Mondkuss Lust – Moonkiss Passion’, ‘Sunlight’, ‘Free Love & Sweetness – Liebe Frei Und Herzlichkeit’, ‘Mi Amor Michel’, ‘Wonderworld Of Love & Sweetness’, ‘Soul Alive’, ‘Erotic Devotion’, ‘Heavenly Experience’, ‘Festival Of Love, Peace And Happiness’, ‘Time Of Our Life’ and ‘Sweet Lovefest’.

  1. Michel Montecrossa says about the ‘Liebe, Frieden und Glücklichsein’ Concert:
    “Together with Mirakali, Diana Antara and our band The Chosen Few I present our new collection of Cyberschlager, Cyberrock, Cyberdance and New-Topical-Songs in German and bilingual English-German language about all the best things. Come and let’s be together in Love, Peace and Happiness.”


The Songs, Disc One:

  1. Love, Peace & Happiness – Liebe, Frieden Und Glücklichsein
  2. Cosmic World Dance
  3. Ich Bin Der Typ – I’m The One
  4. With You In My Heart
  5. Schmusen & Lachen – Huggin’ & Kissin’
  6. All My Love Belongs To You Forever
  7. Mondkuss Lust – Moonkiss Passion
  8. Sunlight
  9. Free Love & Sweetness – Liebe Frei Und Herzlichkeit
  10. Mi Amor Michel
  11. Wonderworld Of Love & Sweetness
  12. Soul Alive
  13. Erotic Devotion
  14. Heavenly Experience
  15. Festival Of Love, Peace And Happiness
  16. Time Of Our Life

The Songs, Disc Two:

  1. Sweet Lovefest
  2. Someone Who Understands You
  3. Give The Planet Energy Of Life – Gebt Dem Planeten Energie Des Lebens
  4. Love Wins
  5. True Rock
  6. There Is Freedom
  7. Auf Der Autobahn Des Lebens – On The Highway Of Life
  8. Love Is What We Need
  9. Fusion World Of Love & Sweetness
  10. Today
  11. Große Liebe – Großer Frieden! Big Love – Big Peace!
  12. Lebensgeschichte – Story Of Life


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